My heart rests in cold
As a respite from pain
With a resolve to beat for life
And never for one to share
Even a nook of the heart
A turning point in life
A colorful visions in tow
A smile with vibrancy
As i reflect on the words
Of a passing acquaintance
At the onset words are thought of
As airy promises of frothy things
Forlorn hopes for solace and tranquility
But with days and nights in race with time
Words aflame the heart with love
The loving soul envisions
High hopes for happiness
Though i have yet to see in flesh
My heart affirms with conviction
The soul is one for keeps
It's a blitheful life ahead
And bountiful rays of success
With nary an iota of doubt
Not even a tinge of regret
And thoughts of fizzling out
An enviable love has sprung
From words infused with kindness
As fate would have it
The hearts are bound to consummate
With the vow of faith and trust
Jan 12, 2007
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