When The Sunshine's Gone

by Avrii Monrielle   Jan 14, 2007

Two lovebirds stay together...
Their wings brush once or twice
Meant to be a pair
For the rest of their lovely lives

If one dies, the other cannot live
Alone; they, too, will give
Up their bird years just
To die for the sake of their other

When the sunshine's gone,
The lovebirds go stray...
They split into singles
And the skies appear gray

One lovebird lies dying;
It cannot find its mate
The other leaves them, crying,
Hoping for some better days

You can't truly feel the sunshine
When all you do is pine
Over that one special person
Who is your love and joy

That crying bird came back one day
For a chance to just say sorry
The other took it harder;
Listening quietly... sorrowfully

The crier had apologized
And to their great suprise
Gazed upon the other
Who had tears in their eyes

He whispered with his heart,
How much she was his sunshine
Without her, he felt sadness
Invade his quiet life

When the sunlight faded,
Gray turned into black
And the dreams he'd thought of
Seemed out of whack

He, in turn,
Faded into the shadows
And felt the sun burn
The memories that felt far out

He became blind;
A shadow that one sees
Only when the sun shines and
Sheds its light on thee

Somehow, they're together
And yet they're far apart
For when the sunshine's gone
So is the joy inside one's heart

And when sunshine fades to gray
So does the meaning of that day
When what once was there has gone away
Some things won't stay the same

When The Sunshine's Gone...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Hey thanks for the r/r/c:) i really really loved this poem..the emotion was amazing..and the detailing. wow. it just really hooked me. great work! 5/5