Just That Bone

by WokaSaku   Jan 14, 2007

Bring me a bone
But not any bone
A bone that breaks
But is able to stay strong
A bone of beauty
One that knows of life
But full of dignity

With that dignity
Let the bone be free
Free from the ligaments of its past
So that it may be of a different body
To make a better hold
For the one who needs it the most
To give that extra support
When they fall down
Their hard path

A bone that will accept the path
But still follow through
The new paths
And not break with the body when it falls
But stays strong
Through the hard times
But able to break
For nothing is perfect
Not even the good bone


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  • 18 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Ooo....good metephone curly. wolves like bones, lol:) but i like how you symbolized this bone as strengh and even pureness to be able to help those who need an extra "bone" or two.

  • 18 years ago

    by *~CaSsYa~*

    I like how you used a bone as a metaphor. You're not a bad poet, and keep up the good work