Pretty Sight

by Al   Jan 14, 2007

It's such a pretty sight
When the world does not lie
When the people do not die
When the children do not cry
When the wars been put a side
When the golden sun shines

When the evil creature's gone
When the people found a song
Song that sings this tune along
When the shadows are all gone
When the river has a flow
Showing life before it goes
When the demons fall asleep
When we feel the pain relief
When we finally see the gift
Realizing we're adrift
When we wake up from this sleep
When we see a smiling kid
reassuring with painful kicks
That this truth is not a lie

But in the end we've been asleep
With the lies in our dreams
As painful as this seems, we're not far from heaven dreams
Where we all go back to sleep and forget all that exists
That was a pretty sight
Now wake up and realize that we live a lie.


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  • 17 years ago

    by marilyn marti

    Hey AI. It was an awesome poem. It expressed many things I believe too, and how life REALLY is...u know, not like the life we actually dream about.I really enjoyed it though, good job. By the way, I was wondering if u remember me by chance? We used to chat a lot in the, well, chat room! lol.U know, when like joker and lorna used to be there. It was a couple years ago...Well, i remember u, its nice to see some of the people from b4 again...Well just wanted to say hi and c how u were doing..once again, great job and i will check out some other of your poems too..Take care...

  • 18 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    I like the way this moves along, and the way you've used some pretty cliched rhyming without it sounding trite. But I question the repetition of "dream" in the last stanza. It seems to me you were struggling to bring the poem to a conclusion.

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Yo check the poem by jamica called
    my days are full with gloom

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I do like ur sence of humor
    i should write dark love poem
    keep them coming i can take it
    i sick laura on you

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Four years by nicole