Me and You

by Pain Remains   Jan 14, 2007

It's all starting over again,
It seems you want me back,
And it's only taken you five months,
To get your life back on track,

Before I was so happy,
And it seemed that you were too,
That's why it hurt me so much,
When I saw that we were through,

You didn't give me notice,
Or tell me to my face,
I just saw you flirting with someone else,
I saw you were a disgrace,

But that didn't stop me wanting you,
It just left me asking why,
What was it about me that was so wrong?
That you felt you had to say goodbye,

I still saw you every week,
You just blanked me, not even a hi,
And then I used to walk home,
Trying so hard not to cry,

I tried to forget you so many times,
But you were always in my heart,
I tried so hard to block you out,
But you were there from the start,

And so I just kept hoping,
That one day my dreams come true,
That I won't need to cry anymore,
As once again I'll have you,

After months of not speaking,
We started out the blue,
We're acting like we did before,
But this time is it true?

I'm so scared of life repeating itself,
Just don't know what I would do,
I need to know you are for real,
I need to know you want me too,

You came around mine last night,
And you were drunk out your head,
So I didn't know if I could believe you,
And everything you said,

Would you regret it in the morning?
When you realised what you'd done,
Or did you know what you were doing,
And I wasn't just a bit of fun,

I was so scared of letting go,
In case it was a drunken act,
And so I kept pushing you away,
Until I knew it was a certain fact,

But you still text me this morning,
And you're acting just the same,
So maybe it wasn't an act after all,
This is not a game you're playing,

So now only time will tell,
If this time you are true,
And I will be so happy to say,
That again there's a me and you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by The Unwritten Love

    It was so cool .. i really love it .. and i'm going into this right now :D

    keep writting ur good

  • 18 years ago

    by ashleigh barns

    I can really relate to this poem. i think we have to go through the bad times to make us see how fantastic the good times can be and that we don't take our friends and family for granted.


  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Kitten

    This was a beautiful poem. I hope he really does mean it this time. Though in my experience, it never worked. The guy ended up being the same as he was, and I ended up with a broken heart. I hope you don't have to go through that as I did.

    In your poem, though, there are a few words missing and a few words that don't make sense. Just thought I'd point that out. Awesome poem!