Lost love...... 4ever

by Xx Eternal Fantasy xX   Jan 14, 2007

At first.....
U loved me
U wanted me
U cared 4 me
U wanted us 2 be 2gether
U wanted 2 stay
U didn't want 2 give up on me

But at dat moment...
I didn't love u
I didn't want u
I didn't care 4 u
I didn't want us 2 be 2gether
I didn't want u 2 stay
I wanted u 2 give up on me
And go away.

U built a bridge and got over me
U probably stoped lovin me
Stoped waiting 4 me
U stoped caring 4 me
U decided not 2 stay
And went away

Then after that...
I realized how much I loved u
I realized how much I wanted u
I realized how much I cared bout u
&& how much I wanted us 2 be 2gether
& how much I wanted u 2 stay
& never go away

I'm secretly lovin u
Secretly wantin u
Secretly carin bout u
Secretly wishin u were here 2 stay
And never go away

I'm regreting da minute I let u go...
& hatin myself 4 breakin ur heart
I wanna fix everythin nd make it right
But its 2 late now
I messed up real bad
Baby I'm sorry


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  • 17 years ago

    by WoOhIsMeX

    Woww Well Im returning the comment you wrote me and wow I've read a couple of your poems and your really good! =)) And this poem man can I relate to you! I went through the same thing, was about to have a relationship i didnt want that much but then when he decided that he was over me and got tried of waiting for me, he broke me in two. But i guess it's all a life lesson. Anywayss Take Caree Be Strong and keep writting cause I think you have something! =)) Byee xOox <33
    From Liviia.xx

  • 17 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Very good poem but yet again..the U..and dat and all...it would b better if u wrote lik tht and its starting to get my annoyed...well anywayz.. i think u write better in the dark genre topic....it sort of had a better feel in it..

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    That was really good...something me and many other people can relate to, which is always the best kind of poem...so therefore 5/5....comment back please!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I liked this, definitely something I can relate to.
    The emotion and depth behind the words were clear to see, and I think you did a wonderful job with this.

  • 18 years ago

    by keep breathing

    I really liked it i had the same feelings before