False Hopes

by xBrokenShadowx   Jan 15, 2007

Each night, before she goes to sleep, she cries
Tears of pain and confusion, truth and lies
Silent sobs of love and hate
Fear of the elements that defy her fate
Dwelling on the thoughts of losing him
Knowing that alone, her survival would be slim
There are many things that have her thrown
The thought that his heart will not always be hers alone
Now the time has come for her to make a choice
Time to amplify her near silent voice
Deep inside her heart a pain burns
and no matter what she does, it always returns
A feeling unlike any she's ever had before
It's getting to be impossible for her to ignore
The tears' streams have permanently lined her once beautiful face
Depression holding her tightly, in an unfaultering embrace
She hopes that one day she can move on
To be thankful for each days resplendent dawn
Being able to treat her life like a precious jewel
But after all, false hopes can be so cruel


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  • 18 years ago

    by StJimmy

    I love your poem!! It's really good!


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