Brand new scar

by SmashedGuitar   Jan 15, 2007

I knew this girl,
And all the time she use to try and find the perfect boy,
That she once had.
But everytime she would wake up
She would notice it isn't him
She told me time & time again
This isn't about what I want
This is about what I need
She said,
He took my heart & life when he left
I'd like to get it back
I'm sick of searching for the one i want
Where is my mind? where is my heart?
I left it with him.
And all he left was this pain
And every morning I wake up with a brand new scar.
I thought I could fix her if she let me in
But she said not even you can save me from myself.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chantelle

    Wow this poem is deep, very sad too. portrays alot of emotion. good work hun xx

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