Making Me Laugh (Prose)

by x.Athame.x   Jan 15, 2007

When I am upset, and lost in my own emotions, drowning in confusion. You always seem to know what to say to me. When I feel like there is no one for me to talk to, you call. When I feel I could not tell to anyone what I am feeling I can always seem to find it in me to tell you. No matter what it's about, no matter how serious, or childish my problem truly is I can always talk to you. Even when I am crying and hurt you can always make me laugh and I feel as though my trust for you is limitless. I trust in you to never abandon me, and to never tell what I am thinking to anyone else. I know you, I know that you wouldn't. I trust in you to be my friend, and to put up with me when I am on the brink of insanity, and I trust in you to pull me back. For all that you do for me, all that you have done for me, words cannot express the thanks that I feel. Almost three long years have you been there, talking to me when I need someone, no matter when, or why. And for that, my friend, I am eternally grateful.

(C) Athame '07

Dedicated to one of my friends, who has always been there for me and knows all that I'm stuggling with and can always help me to cope. Thank you, my friend, for always making me laugh, even when I could only cry.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    I wish i had a friend who i felt that close to you but a lot of my friends didn't want to know me anymore when i met Marcus. =/ I don't really mind though, he's my best friend as well my fiancee so in a way i can relate to the emotion in this piece
    You wrote it very nicely.
    Excellent prose