One Wish

by debbylyn   Jan 15, 2007

Elusive love sought not my heart
Impostors did seek refuge there
A curse upon my weary soul
Soon lifted in your tender care

Your name invokes a melody
My heart hums in your embrace
The lyrics of our song are penned
As I gaze upon your face

I've one wish for time eternal
To grant our love clemency
And take away this distance
That keeps you apart from me

For true love has a haven
Within my longing soul it dwells
If my one wish be granted
Only trust and time will tell


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Barry beautiful

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    This is beautifully written, this is my fav part:

    Your name invokes a melody
    My heart hums in your embrace
    The lyrics of our song are penned
    As I gaze upon your face

    I love the description in this stanza, it paints such a beautiful picture.

  • Love it

  • 18 years ago

    by Barry

    Time reveals all...

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Another wonderful write by a wonderful poet. The flow and strucutre both great, As well as the words you used within this poem. Excellent Job.

    Peace, Joe