
by xXx Expecting xXx   Jan 15, 2007

So many thoughts keep running through my mind
Is this going to work or are we just wasting prescious time?

Are you the one, the one im meant to wed?
If not then please send a sign to my head.

Is it really love or do we say it to waste air?
Are you going to turn away or always be there?

Is this one sided or is it two?
Is this just puppy love or is it true?

Do we mean everything we say
or after all it said we tuck it away?

Should we keep on trying or just put it to an end,
if we do it now, the quicker we will mend.

Thinking of all this, really makes me sad
if we cant figure this out, thent aht is really bad.

I know what i want, i want us to be
but not if the only one wanting this is me.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sora

    This was beautifully written. i can relate, ive been there and done that.

    I know what i want, i want us to be
    but not if the only one wanting this is me.

    i loved those two lines. it was a perfect finish to this poem. you said what was on your mind and in your heart. job well done. 5/5.


  • 17 years ago

    by lalalailoveyou

    This poem is amazing and kinda made me tear up.. All of these questions had gone though my mind in my last relationship.. this poem is just great.. i love it!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nula

    Great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Vincent Thornsberry

    Good job 5/5 i like it it caries the emotions throught it very well.

  • 17 years ago

    by leinhart

    Damn confusing,,for some time,,love is a complicated thing isn it?