American Pie (A Rant.)

by Emily   Jan 15, 2007

The Feigned American Dream ;

A big house with picket fence
A modest job you enjoy
Trophies line the shelves
Of your darling little boy

Shutters on every window
A dog waiting for it\'s call
Picnics every summer
Oak trees that shed in fall

The American Reality;

Divorce and fighting everyday
Greed ranging to poverty
Thirteen year old suicide,
Failing economies

Children screaming for their parents
Who are too apathetic to care
Instead they hang in front of a mirror
Picking at gray hair

Families starving on the streets
Celebrities spend thousands on their pets
School shootings, murder,
Gang fights and death threats

The Real American Dream;

That one day we can become
Everyone that we hate.
Greedy slobs who are doomed
To a lonely luxurious fate

The people who forgot the words
\'Charity,\' \'morals,\' and \'peace,\'
Too much money on their hands
Who can afford to be obese.

Well most of you have achieved
What you desired most
Compared to others you\'re filthy rich
If that\'s something you care to boast,

You can afford a dollar menu
Worth a thousand calories
Convince yourself you deserve
Designer labels and champagne needs

Who am I to preach?
I have things I don\'t deserve to get
Us Americans know we\'re pigs
most of us won\'t admit it

You can call it \'independence\'
I say we\'re lying to ourselves.
Our \'One Nation, Under God\'
Is probably going to hell.

In a world where \'Politically Correct\'
and a fear to offend rules
The freedoms we were founded on
Is overrun by scared fools.


It\'s a rant. I don\'t require a kind reply. I put what I feel, yes I\'m an American and I don\'t have half the pride people think I should. I honestly think we\'re pathetic, but isn\'t that in a way human? Isn\'t it a nature to want the best? Or is it an acquired taste to overindulge? We\'ve been given everything on this Earth, and we continue to waste it and feel we deserve more in the end.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kurt

    Too true. Great job. Keep up the good work. Always look for the better in life. Think of the thousands who do the right things.