To the girl that has his heart

by Curry   Jan 15, 2007

Ive never talked to you,dont even know who you are,
One thing i do know is that you have my lover\'s heart.
He used to be all mine,
I used to be the love of his life.
I was always the one he talked about all the time,
He used to tell me i was his future wife.

Knowing that he is your\'s now makes me cry every night,
I cant help but wonder why.
But im gonna let you know that you better treat him right,
You better not tell him any lies.
I hope you love him as much as i did,
Show him you care,
Dont keep your feelings hid.
Cus he still is the love of my life,
And will be until the end of time.
So whatever you do dont put his heart on the line.

written by curry 1-15-06


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    This was beautiful...reminded me a little of my 'The Luckiest Girl' poem.
    The depth in this piece is overwhelming.
    I thought if flowed well and I liked the rhyme scheme.

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany

    Hey curry it's britt 1 more thing wut if the girl treats him write but he does not treat her write cuz that has happened 2 me and the guy and i no longer talk i did nothing 4 him 2 make that choice it was all hes own he is missin somethin speacial because i am the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany

    Hey curry it's britt if u want 2 read some of my poems just serch Britany and u will find some i wrote i just joined last night sooooooo i have written 3 poems and 3 quotes sooooooo i wish u luck finding my poems bye bye ttyl

  • 18 years ago

    by lala

    I can relate to how you feel

    good poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Awwwwwwwww really good...kick the girls ass if she doesnt treat him right.. lol.. you should really read this 2 bobby.