Graduation [We're not gonna wanna go]

by Never*gonna*make*it   Jan 16, 2007

People always tell us
We're gonna miss these days.
We shake our heads, say na
I don't wanna stay.

But for four years we've walked these halls.
We've made friends and enemies
Forgiven some but not all.

We've had trials and tribulations.
Tried to exceed everyone's expectations.
We didn't know how this would change our life
for better, for worse, or in times of strife.

We can't count the homework
[we failed to do]
Or school days
[we failed to show up to]

How about the sleeping
[During boring lectures over the years]
And even the remember whens
[that now only bring us to tears]

But through times of anger and hatred.
The friends we made now feels like we betrayed them.
Though we never meant to hurt those dearest to our hearts.
There comes a time when the world tears us all a part.

And although people tell us you'll wanna stay.
We laugh and just look the other way.

But now as graduation approaches
We're starting to see.
We're not gonna wanna go
When they tell us we have to leave.


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  • 17 years ago

    by WhYcAnTuLoVeMe

    OMIGOSH this soooo made me cry i dont wanna leave now!!!! **tears**

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    This is an amazing poem, i loved it alot and it's so true by the way. Im graduating this year and let me tell you its really scary to know it's almost the end.

    keep it up. keep on writing. love always and forever.