Comments : A 60s Go -Go

  • 18 years ago

    by Tainted Beauty

    WOW this absoluetly blew me away. Haha leave it to you to write something about this! You should definately show it to Trevor, I'm sure he could relate lmao. I really did like this, it flowed really well and i reminded me of bad sixty's movies haha. Great work.


  • 18 years ago

    by x.Athame.x

    Interesting idea, concept and presentation. I did like it though. :) It flowed well, and had pretty good imagery too. Nice job on this piece. *5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    Ah!! For a second there I thought you were trying to control my mind. Well, this was a very good effect in this poem, you wrote to the audience, rather than for them. That was really creative.

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie Naylor

    I loved this
    i have never heard a poem
    quite like this before

    i love how it starts out as a 60's go-go dancer
    on acid
    and then you end it by her realizing all that shes lost

    great job

    and a well deserved
