"When It's Least Expected"

by mommyof2   Jan 16, 2007

Why is it that when
you least expect it
you fall in love

even though you know
it is the wrong time
and the feelings will
only cause problems

i love you though i
don't really know you
you have stole my
heart from another

your kind sweet ways
your warm words
you make me melt
and smile from within

problems are now coming
i knew they would
but like I've told u
I'm not sorry

because of the way
you make me feel
is unlike no other
i love u in our own silly way

even though this wasn't the time
i feel for you and u fell for me
we cant hide it we cant change it
so now were left with what to do


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by kellie

    Wow, you are very talented.
    Don't quit this talent.

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow, this was a wonderfully written peice of poetry. I loved it, and I could relate to it, and I am sure a lot of other can as well. The flow was good as well as the strucutre. You have this poem titled as, "untitled" but I think a good title would be, "When It's Least Expected"

    Peace, Joe

  • 18 years ago

    by (DUHDE) ilovechad!!

    This poem is realyy cute

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenn

    Hey I like it, its good and shows some real emotion like you just wrote how you felt I lke it

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