Dear Grandma 3

by Liz Suffecool   Jan 16, 2007

Dear Grandma

It keeps getting harder each and everyday without you
I was told it'd get easier but that isn't true
I miss you still
and I always will

Some days It gets harder to keep going on
but I know how everyone is now that your gone
I met another boy this time I'm sure hes the one
believe me if you knew what I was feeling you'd know I'm in love

Toms finally got himself a great girl
there so cute together there going to get married there each others world
Will hes still the same
hes just like his Father a real big pain

Mom still Cries every now and then
but shes not going to be over losing you her heart wont ever mend
& I know she wont be here much longer with the way she smokes
and just thinking about it on my tears I choke

But grandma I really do miss you and I'm not sure anymore what to do
I cant write like I use to and it kills me so
because it feels like its a part of letting go

and I don't want to lose you completely
your apart of me
but I don't know any more what I'm going to do
but I'm still not ready to say goodbye to you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kalee

    I know how u feel. I lost my grand father when I was three months old. Eventhough I didn't know him i still miss him. You might like to read my poem 'Goodbye Granddad'. It will get easyer for you.


  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a wonderful tribute to your Grand mother. Excellent job!

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