Who will carry the flag?

by Independence Forever   Jan 16, 2007

Here i am our nation's flag keeper
i won't drop it my resolve is deeper

i hold it high for all to see
but that makes a target out of me

the enemey wants our flag
but i will hold it, until it is a rag

if i should fall, who will take it then?
if i do fall who will take it ye men?

the colors must fly towards our foe
if they do not, our men know not where to go

the flag is our symbol of strength and might
the flag will march forward in this majestic fight

if i fall
if the colors fall

who will pick them up and carry
hopefully you though the night is starry

fight on ye men of war
what duty can i do more?

march forward into the great fiery kettle
for i march infrot of you to show the enmy our mettle


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  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    Very good well written keep writing so i can keep reading i enjoy reading your poetry it comes from the heart and what means alot to youl