Sad Song

by xBrokenShadowx   Jan 16, 2007

At night I sit quietly, alone in my room
Feeling helpless, a baby in it's mothers womb
I think about all the things that have gone wrong
Empty inside as I live in a place I don't belong
Every night before I go to bed I pray
That I'll be in a better place someday
Then I lay down and begin to weep
Slowly and silently falling asleep

My dreams let me fly away
To a place I can live in without dismay
A place where I can leave misery behind
On Earth such a place I can't ever find
Where friends dont ever carry blades
Never having to worry about being betrayed

On Earth I have nothing to live for
Instead always fighting the God of War
One thing I loved the most is now gone
Dissapearing quicker than the dawn
Now I wish that I'd never crossed that road
Or maybe that the driver could have slowed
But alas my wishes cannot come true
And all I'm left with are the sweet memories of you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Amanda

    I really really like this.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Great job! The pain you feel comes through in the words you write. Hope things get better for you. Take Care Cindy

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