You Never Know What You Have Lost

by kathy   Jan 16, 2007

You never know what you've lost,
until it slips away.
It's gone from your reach,
and gets farther everyday.
You don't know what to say,
you've got tears in your eyes,
and you end up sitting there,
just wondering why.
It hurts knowing it's gone,
and there's nothing you can do,
if you only knew how special it was,
if you only had a clue.
But you've got to let it go,
because you cant dwell in the past.
Its useless trying to retrieve something,
you know will never come back.


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  • 12 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    How true and honest! I just loved it! Nice poem!

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Overwhelming, I love this form the depths of my soul, great job again

  • 12 years ago

    by Hallucinostic

    Its a famous quote, and is proven true. I like the way you used this to mske your own poem. Good one here. Keep it up.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jason

    Wow this was my exact mentality as I was finally getting over it ex =)
    its a great poem

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