I don't wanna let go.

by rachel   Jan 16, 2007

It's the day you have to leave me ..

And my heart just drops in pain
As we stand there saying goodbye
The tears start to fall like rain

My arms are tight around you
Not wanting to let go
And fear comes over me
With this part I've come to know

One last kiss I have for you
I love you is all I say
Then you turn your back to me
And I watch you walk away

Before you get on the plane
To leave on this sad day
You turn to me to wave good bye
And blow one more kiss my way

I then blow a kiss back to you
And watch you disappear
Into the plane that takes you
Far away from here

My heart breaks deep inside
As I have to walk away
Knowing when I go home
You will not be there today

Loneliness waits for me
As I walk through the door
And all I want to do
Is cry and drop to the floor

But I do not give into pain
As I go on my way
For I keep my head held high
Like I told you I would today

So think of me my love
While we spend this time apart
And know that you'll always have
All the love within my heart


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  • 14 years ago

    by Aimar

    Nice one really iv liked it:) keep the good work on ;) i like howe u write ur feeling

  • 17 years ago

    by Nula

    I love this poem its really good...check out mine poem if u like it rate it or just leave a comment i will appreciate it

  • 17 years ago

    by Alissa

    I really liked this poem, it had so much emotion. It was really good, keep writing.

    your friend:)

  • 17 years ago

    by *Stefani*

    I love this poem!!!!! keep up the good work