
by Dado   Jan 16, 2007

Loneliness is the worst feeling a person can ever feel
To have no one to talk to or share with a meal
When you sleep and wake up to find no one by your side
When you have no one to put you back on the right path when you stride
When you talk and he walls are the only ones that listen
When you have no one to help you live lifes impossible mission
When you cry and have no one to wipe away your tears
When you\'re scared and got no one to settle down your fears
When you\'re angry nad have no one to listen to you
When you\'re puzzled and got no one to tell you what to do
When you have never heard the words \"I Miss You\"
When you wish you can say to someone \"I Love You Too\"
When you stay home for days and no one realises that you\'re gone
When you hope that one day you will actually pick up your phone
When the word friend is so out of your dictionary
When the only friend you have ever got is imagionary
When you isolate your self in a world of your own
When you describe your sel simply as alone
When you succeed in something and have no one to congratulate you
When hating yourself is the only thing that you can do
When your wildest dream is to be loved, kissed and missed
When how much ever you try to run away to your loneliness you\'re always lead
When you see life black and others see it blue
When to make people love you there is nothing you can do
When you ask your self everyday \"Why Me?\"
When you would do anything to run away from your life and flee
When your dreams are nightmares
When about you no one cares
When you experience death every second
When living a happy moment to you is an absolute legend
When you have no one to tell you that things are going to be okay
When for happiness you searched but found absolutely no way
When you try to face your reality strongly
But deep inside you know that you will live and die lonely...


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  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    Hi Dado,
    I like this poem it's said all how I am feeling right now

    When you succeed in something and have no one to congratulate you
    When hating yourself is the only thing that you can do
    When your wildest dream is to be loved, kissed and missed
    while reading this it's like I'm talking with my reflection. .

    When you try to face your reality strongly
    But deep inside you know that you will live and die lonely...

    hell no! I'm not going to die lonely ....

    Dado you hit all of it....
    it's like saying that what is the sense of living
    If we are here suffering from this awful feeling? ....

    great Job dude. ..

    I will wait for your next poem. ..


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is deep, emotional, relatable and so very true... I know the feeling and it can hurt like hell. All I can say is I'm sorry you feel this way.


  • 18 years ago

    by MischieviousMya

    Wow this is long lol!! but def worth the read!! amazing emotions!! =o]

  • 18 years ago

    by splitlevel420

    This poem is very deep and sad this is how i felt long ago but once you just get out there it will get better i promise you that
