Doubting hello

by Melissa   Jan 16, 2007

He still hasn't called,
I check the dial tone again

sure enough,
it's still there
alone without conversation

It's unbearably obvious
that I mistook our chats
as a sign of tenderness
and not what they really were,

me listening wistfully
to those false I miss you's
and forging them
into more than words

into what my heart
engraved them to be,

truth mixed with love

My ears have become restless
with their constant waiting
and I am completely engrossed
in a wave of impatience,
the kind that nauseates over time

and my belly is churning
with anxiety,
a slew of mystical butterflies
flitter around enthusiastically
beneath this shell of frowning tolerance

The phone rings,
it's him

but I don't answer


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  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    This piece intruigued me. The title attracted me to it, but the opening hooked me. Doubting's a concept that isn't usually grasped until it's too late. Very nice. I like how at the end the phone rings, you realize it's him, but you don't answer. Nice flow. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Lyn

    Oh lovely punchline! What a mystery we human beings are!

  • 17 years ago

    by Corinne

    An unexpected ending - but perfect. :-)

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    WOW! You are sooo good at free verse. Wish I could offer a suggestion, but I can't. It's good as is. You have a way of turning simple ideas or situations into something deeper. It's amazing! I just love how you can take it and make the person feel it second by second. Great job and congrats on second in my contest!

  • 18 years ago

    by ENTROPY

    oh my god, i can really relate to this! like its really awesome. i hope to read more from you. take care