by desleeds   Jan 16, 2007

My heart is a haven for love so pure
A selfless one that grows by leaps and bounds
Both half of hearts that link the bond
Like jigsaw puzzles so fit to size

The love resides like a clown in my heart
All joys and laughter with sadness in oblivion
It taught me not to grieve and wail
As trials are there for life to face

The voice of clown with jovial tone
Is a loving song to my very core
It taught me not to wallow in pain
What for is love if heart is maimed

Though love is trimmed with jagged edge
The clown remains unfazed at all
It taught me not to feel the edge
Would cause me scar to taint the love

To you my love i owe it all
Your unnering wish for blissful times
It taught me not to find one anew
With clown's resolve as mine alone

DES JAU...Jan 16,2007
Pls visit my homepage..http://360.yahoo.com/des_jauregui


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