Do you even know?

by Jen   Jan 16, 2007

Do you even know?
do you even care?
the pain you are putting me through,
because your no longer there.

Do you even know,
how much it hurts inside?
to look at you in front of me,
and to be shoved aside.

Do you even know?
that no matter what you do,
i am at your beck and call,
because i still care about you.

Do you even know?
i can see us slipping apart,
you weren't there when i needed you,
like you would have been at the start.

Do you even know?
that as i write this now,
theres tears streaming down my face,
this happened and i don't know how.

Do you even know?
how much i care for you,
and to the lengths that i would go,
because my feelings are true.

Do you even know?
that its killing me inside,
to pretend that its alright,
still feeling part of me has died.

Do you even know?
the things i feel for you?
why am i kidding myself?
you don't have a clue.

Do you even know?
what it feels like to be me,
to have you feelings messed with,
left messed up for all to see.

Do you even know?
that my heart has been ripped out,
only by yourself alone,
something i cant survive without.

Do you even know?
that i still love you more,
even though through it all,
my heart has been left trodden,
and is now stuck to the floor.



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  • 18 years ago

    by Q-Pid Iz Ere

    DAAAAAAAAAAAM girl ure good u r very taltented lol check myne what dya think

  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    This is what i feel inside, your poem hit all the right notes in my heart, its nothing short of amazing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    Great use of repetition here Jen. And a nice steady flow does wonders for the fluidness of the words.
    Some heart-wrenching phrases are included here that i think a lot of poets on this site can relate to

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