What i feel inside

by tHe aPpReNtIcE   Jan 16, 2007

Feel the hate inside your heart
Felt it growing from the start
Tried to forgive him for the things he has done
But no matter what I do everything is wrong for this one
You try to love him as you should
Just as you try to love him more than you could
The more hate you feel when you are just alike
To be like what you hate the most is not worth life
What happened to the days?
The days there still was a smile on his face
They have vanished and now they don't exist
Those are the day I really miss
Friends say that I should keep my faith
But is that what I should do if your father is the one you hate?

Sorry dad but I just had to let out what I felt.
I hope now that you know you will change.


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  • 18 years ago

    by melissa

    Aawwwhhhh. I hope your dad does change! good poem. 5/5