Home Truths (Some Secrets)

by Jemma   Jan 16, 2007

Perhaps such words come faster
Not because of ease
But instead from the dire need
Of one's soul to get them out
Some things are unable to be forgotten
Some words play over and over
Again and again
Reverberating round your head
Always exactly as they were said
They are your words
The way you spoke them
With such casual grace
With such innocent venom
Shattering in one moment
All my illusions
Life was good;
It is pure and fine
So I was told
Always knowing that I could not know it all
Some secrets cannot be shared
Some must

The pieces of a story
No longer wish to realign with the ending
They would prefer to carry on in their own wanderings
And then one day you will stumble upon
One of the characters that you had thought lost
Sometimes they fit seamlessly in with your life
And you feel better, more complete
Yet, as is most often, that piece has been damaged by time
And the fit is not so snug
And it rubs; it aches to be released
To be forgiven for breaking the magic of a fairytale

Perhaps I should forgive my missing pieces
But it has never been pain that drove me
It is theirs
Always theirs

So many can hide behind one mask
A confident fellow with a black heart
And a delightful young lady with one hell of a story
Who has died?
Just to surrender to this manikin his face
So that they can hide

Are such people gone forever?

Was it that such shadows as they became
Were driven into the labyrinths of addiction,
Into the despairs of a false hope found in drink?
Failed courage for doing what was right
Something that good conscience strove to fight

Was it perhaps something so simple
As saying the wrong words,
Not communicating that
Which should not needed to have been said?

Have the shadows aged, changed with time?
Pitiful creatures of remorse for what they've done
The only things that have hurt them
The ones they themselves thought they loved
Perhaps love is why it hurts so

But pain is not all that can deteriorate the heart
The lost love, the broken trust
The crutches being snatched away as you fight maturity

Wisdom is often absent in those of lost youth
And perhaps these shadows with their many faces,
Their masks of indifference and lack of care
Are hypocrites to their word, to their truth
The only thing that they can now believe in
Something that they choose to ignore

Some foreigner who strides to their side
Unknowing of their traits
Can stride beside their footsteps
Can carry their weight
And feel no burden
For the burden is theirs
To live with themselves, whilst they survive
Yet knowing that they died so long ago

Damned Illusions
A disturbed and broken youth
No one should know
Some secrets are best left hidden
Some ought to be found

**yet again i struggled with a categories. I apologize if I have placed this wrong**


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    ......like I said..........you are a writer......

    P.S.....'good conscience'......
    Double P.S....For your consideration:.......the works of ADEL............(here, on this site)