Comments : Body

  • 18 years ago

    by w!th0utyou

    I like this, and one thing i'll never understand is how a person can change themselves for someone to like them, and lose someone who was close to them in the process 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    This is a different poem, the only thing I can critique on is the fact that it has to many messages in this one, I got lost love, lost friendship, secret love, sadness depression.. I didnt feel that they all fit together to well.. but the attempt was interesting.

  • 17 years ago

    by David

    This in another poem that i must have missed. an early one but netherless a great poem Kaila.

    5/5 from your friend always david

  • 17 years ago

    by MemoirsOfMe

    It was quite good, I believe. The flow was there, although sometimes rhymes felt a little forced, but I liked you're arching theme. Good Job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    I don't know.
    It just seems a bit forced to me.
    It's good.
    A lot of emotions in it.
    But still, forced.
    I'll give it a 4/5 :]

  • 17 years ago

    by bleeding limegrenn

    I totaly dont think people should try to fit in and have more friends i used to be like that now i don't care if i have no one peopleither like me or don't...anyways keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I liked this poem, i found it to have alot of emotion portrrayed, some places seemed a tiny bit forced to me but nothing enough to trash this piece. Well done i enjoyed reading this alot. ~mel

  • Great, but sad. I absolutely loved it though! 5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • I really loved this poem. Although you have a couple of mistaken words, but it's still pretty goo. Great job! 5/5
