
by Jason Pen   Jan 17, 2007

I was true to you all this time we've been together.
But I thought we were going to last forever.
The more you said I cheated.
The faster and hurt my heart beated.
You thought I liked my best friend that was a boy.
You thought you were just some game toy.
You thought that I wanted to go out with a gay dude.
Everytime I talked to them you thought it was rude.
You made me sad,happy,mad,confused.
But I want to live and have thee. But I have to get rid of you and get better you see?
But in a way I regret about going out.
But I love you so much that I can't explain the amount.
We've been going out now for 16 months and in a way I want it to end.
But I still want to hear your voice on the other end.
If I lose you I won't love another.
If I stay with you I don't want you to run away cause' of my father and mother.
I don't know what to do.
I'm going to be sad if I stay or if I lose you.
People always thought you did this stress and it wasn't you..part of it was and that was something you should've knew.
I will think about you,get reminded about u, cause of songs.
But you thought I didn't think about you long.

a poem my girlfriend kate wrote to me last night..


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  • 18 years ago

    by PoetryHeart

    Wow that was awesome!

  • 18 years ago

    by ChelCBayB

    Wow...i like this could mean a lot to some people :)

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