Pain Within

by kayla T   Jan 17, 2007

Why do these cuts define me?
They twist, control, and bind me.
Inside of me there's a raging war,
It all began with the skin I tore.
All this pain within myself,
Released with scissors of the shelf.
The craziness inside my head,
Is matched with all the blood I shed.
I have to watch myself bleed,
It's become an unbearable need.
I'm not smart, pretty, or thin,
So I have to make marks on my skin.
I'll bleed forever for sollace,
My own corrupted death kiss.
I'll visit and flirt with suicide,
To make the pain within subside.


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  • 18 years ago

    by cayla

    You do can a lot of sad poems of here and im just wandering.... are you a cutter? not to be mean or nothing at all but i am curious i really dont want my friends like you and kally to be cutting, your too good for that.