History is now 9-11

by Jessica   Jan 17, 2007

Too young to know,
Why we had to watch that TV Show
It didn't hit me
Until a teacher told me

"History isn't always the past;
history is now. This is history."
Still shaken up even tears came- They weren't part of my past
I rarely shed a tear

I still get shaken up
When a plane flies now
I've always cared then and still now
For those who won't be woken up

9-11 made us stronger
Made us stick together
Now and forever
Our country will be standing longer

Some cried with strangers
I sat in a room of students and teachers
That day I will never forget
Formyself I will never let

I've lived History
One day I'll retell my story
To my children
Or my grandchildren

The story I was too young to understand
Makes me now understand
We need to stay strong
If we want to last long


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  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    On 091101 we all became new yorkers

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Well said jess and really wellwritten
    poem one of your best