Never again will I fall for your lies
never again will I look into your eyes
and tell you I love you just so you can throw it back in my face
so you can tell me my life is nothing more than a joke
tell me you never cared
tell me you never loved me
tell me you never once thought about how great it would be to spend forever with me
I'll believe it
you have no idea how much I hate you
you turned my life upside down and shook it
you shook it so hard that everything broke
you're the reason I cry myself to sleep at night
you're the reason I can't show my arms to anyone
I have to keep them covered up
I have so many scars
I've lost so much blood because of you
but you don't care
you probably wouldn't even cry if I ended my life here and now
just like I want to
before, I never had thoughts like this
thoughts of suicide
thought of you dying in agony
a slow and painful death
that's right
I dream about it too
I want you dead
so you can no longer cause me so much pain
it hurts knowing that you can forget about me so easily
that you can replace me with yet another girl you've only known for two weeks
I'm sick of it
and I want you gone