The door creeps open,
I have to go in.
The darkness overwhelms me,
The cold beats through my veins,
Fear seeps through my skin.
The door slams shut!
Theres no more light.
My thoughts are running,
My feat beating the floor.
I try to get out,
Theres no escape.
I scream for help,
Not know what or who�s around me.
A voice in my head saying
This is my fault,
And my fate!
Im shrieking now,
Bleeding with pain.
Every hair on my body standing erect.
I dont know what to do,
Or where the hell to go.
Im so alone!
I close my eyes
As the tears escape here in the darkness,
With only me and my sins.
The coldness tearing through my skin.
I hold myself.
Hatred and guilt piercing the silence in my head.
I scream, how bad I need someone now!
Suddenly everything stops..
And I realize it was just a dream