
by Amanda Barker   Jan 18, 2007

In this place we call home,
We have no clue where we belong,
I know there is war,
where I haven't a clue,
I know that someone is watching me and you,

I have never seen a sniper,
not until that night that is,
but the second he struck you,
i knew i was threw,

The redcoats were hot on my trail,
i through them off before they hit me like a nail.
I thought quick through the woods i nearly shouted,
though my mistake might have cost me my life, i found refuge in a patriot place.

they took me in without a moments hesitation,
I was grateful,
but they were frightened.

I told them not to worry that it will end soon,
but soon turned to months, which turned to years, then i met you.

He was a lovely patriot one that was strong and wise, I said the words i love you,
and he just sighed.
I want to be with you was his final words but when they rung that bell,
I was to see him again very soon i thought.

He came to my door and my father shot him down like a rat.

NO i screamed and as he listened it was too late, and to this day, I have been laying next to him, as we sit in our graves.

Amanda Barker


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  • 18 years ago

    by FallenAngel44

    5/5 wow. very powerful. thanx 4 the title suggestion. i think i'll use the second one. :) yur an awesome poet! keep it up!

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