Until Then

by SilentRebuke   Jan 19, 2007

What do I want? I can tell you.
I want you here with me,
I know exactly what you'd would do.
You'd hold me tight and never let go,
But that can't happen they won't let it.
I want to deny, but in my heart I know.
This is how it has to be, for now at least
We have to be apart, until they relent.
Until they decide our love can be released.
I'll wait for you, with all that I have
You would do the same for me,
So I present you with this cooling salve.
The assurance that I am here.
That I will never leave you, never give up.
I will always be with you to ease any fear.

I don't even remember when i wrote this one, just a small little jotted down poem. r/r/c please


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  • 18 years ago

    by His Biggest Fear

    Im lovin the way you word things. its very unique. keep up the good work :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Midnight Sun

    Man! This is SO good! I know exactly how this feels and it's just...well, an amazing write. I loved reading it. And I'm so glad that you joined the site! 5/5 for sure! :) Ttyl!
    ~Midnight Sun

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