Ancient oak door

by Miss Darcy![xXkestrelXx]   Jan 19, 2007

Ancient, wise oak door
Visible scars telling the story of its experience
Battered as the widow's soul,mourning for her love
But still undefeated, the strong loyal soldier stands.

Ancient wise oak door
Before what unkown do you stand?
Why conceal with such determination?
Secrets linger beyond you

Submission, the oak door finally surrenders
Vulnerable secrets reveal themselves
This protected room, with rich anger painted on the walls
Euphoric happiness shining from the ceiling, the only source of light.

Sinks filled with tears, waiting to be drained,
The stubborn plug shows no mercy
Dark lies and deception, stashed in guilty corners,
Hoping to be lost and never found

Elk bookshelves brimmed with memories
Misery gradually rotting the timber floor
Crude pain chiselling holes deep into the flesh of the walls
Holes for windows, the key to freedom

The room with such various components
Such diversity, some unwanted, some lusted
But each component plays its part
And together creates the secret behind the oak door


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  • 18 years ago

    by Alessandro

    Very nice, truly a good poet =P keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sammib

    Nice kestrel.. you have a natural flair for writing & they was you dramatize every day things brings it all to life for your reader...


  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen-AS-Angels do!

    Verry nice that is why you are one of my favorites

  • 18 years ago

    by xDead to youx

    Sooo amazingly good sorry I like it alot!!

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