For dad (not really poem more like short story)

by Kaila   Jan 19, 2007

I awoke from my quite slumber. I swirled my tiny little legs off the bed and onto the warm carpeted floor. It was so quite you could hear a pin drop. The floor made every noticeable squeak when I walked into the kitchen. Still there was no one there but the lights were on and there was a spilled glass of water lying on the floor. I tip toed ever so lightly into my daddyâ??s room but still found no one. I wanted to cry, but I didnâ??t I just kept searching. Until big bright florescent lights shown in through the Victorian window. The door swung open faster then I could blink. My Aunt frantically picked me up and ran to her small blue car it was pitch black outside and some worried neighbors stood in there doorway. She buckled me up and sped down the street. I was confused. She was driving towards my Grandmaâ??s house when sirens filled the air. They were blazing loud. I was enthused at the noise the siren made and quickly spun back to get a better look. The big bright red lights flickered on and off as the ambulance sped down the street heading for the hospital. I began to fall back asleep and when I awoke I was in a new bed. One I did not recognize one that had the same smell as my grandmaâ??s perfume. Sweet honey and thatâ??s when I new was safe and that it was okay to come out. I squeaked open the door to find my relatives sorrowful in the living room. Everyone was there they were all crying until they saw me. My mom gave me a brokenhearted look. And all of a sudden I felt the salty tears stream down my face I didnâ??t know what we were crying about but I did because my mom did. I was to young to realize that in the ambulance I saw someone I loved was inside.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Taylor Badger

    Ohh this is so sad. Its such a good piece! I dont understand some of it because of the apostrophes though, but all in all amazing.

  • Wow, this was absolutely sad. It's a great and sad short story. If this happened to you, I'm sorry for your loss. Great "short story." 5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • So sweety i am sorry for your loss but a woonderful writen piece

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    You need to fix up the mistakes, like take out all the ' so that the thatâ?? don't come into the poem, cause its a bit hard to read, well it affects the flow. but i still loved it. a story but a perfect story.

    5/5 David

  • 18 years ago

    by Curry

    Omg!!!! this also brought tears to my is so sad! i really liked it!