Comments : For dad (not really poem more like short story)

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Awwwwwwwwwww!! oh my goodness!! this is sooooo sad...there were tears in my eyes as i read serious!... really good poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by Curry

    Omg!!!! this also brought tears to my is so sad! i really liked it!

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    You need to fix up the mistakes, like take out all the ' so that the thatâ?? don't come into the poem, cause its a bit hard to read, well it affects the flow. but i still loved it. a story but a perfect story.

    5/5 David

  • So sweety i am sorry for your loss but a woonderful writen piece

  • Wow, this was absolutely sad. It's a great and sad short story. If this happened to you, I'm sorry for your loss. Great "short story." 5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • 16 years ago

    by Taylor Badger

    Ohh this is so sad. Its such a good piece! I dont understand some of it because of the apostrophes though, but all in all amazing.