How foolish of me to hold onto the laws of opposites attract.
Butterflies may be what it cause but only until your mind starts to crack.
I'm a bit loose and you're a saint, sharing the same bed each night.
You like the moon and I like the stars, I'm wrong and you're always right.
TV Programs are what you adore whilst I choose to dance with life.
I like multiple partners at once and you dream of a faithful wife.
A family dog and white picket fences are actually what turns you on.
I prefer hard-core pleasure, a desirable body in a thong.
You love loving and blissful togetherness on nurtured green grass.
I love excitement, travel and noise, dancing and shaking my ass.
A bunch of children in a rugby team, a pregnant lady is what you desire.
I'm tuned in to more physical things, detachment and listening to a crackling fire.
Tell me wise men, how is it possible that our love can ever go on?
Can this man accept me for who I am or do I need to move on?
Trickery and deceit are my middle names whilst he is dreaming of the day I will change.
Should I come clean and admit who I am - this karma is so very strange.