This is what he doesn't know

by aisyned   Jan 19, 2007

He doesn't know he brightens up my day,
he doesn't know when we talk my heart skips a beat,
my love furnace,
begins to heat,

he doesn't know i speak of him to my friends,
he doesn't know i dream about him at night,
he doesn't know i look at his picture,
and say isn't he a beautiful sight,

he doesn't know my love for him is strong,
he doesn't know i hide it from him,
he doesn't know that when he leaves,
my heart grows oh so dim,

what he knows is he is my friend,
but he doesn't know i want him to be my boyfriend,
and that i want us to grow,
and for us to never end,

he doesn't know i cry at night,
at how i wish he was mine,
he doesn't know that i want to fast forward,
to see if we end up together i want to fast forward time,

he doesn't know i love him more then anyone,
and that i would cry if he died,
he doesn't know i try to tell him i love him,
and trust me i have tried,

he doesn't know i get jealous,
when i see him talking to all girls,
and when he does,
my mind starts into a million twirls,

he doesn't know that i need him to live,
and that he is the reason i don't commit suicide,
all if this,
i manage to hide,

it stores up inside,
causing me pain and grief,
plus if i told him,
he would probably be in disbelief,

he doesn't know i care more then anyone ever could,
he doesn't know i want to show him the world,
i guess what he doesn't get,
is i want to be his girl,

but all my love for him is stored inside,
and my feelings i try not to show,
and i am sure,
my love for him will grow,

but what he doesn't know,
won't hurt him just me,
but i think it is the best thing,
do you agree???????????

by,Denysia Chapman-madden


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    Wow. so emotional. keep writing, you have a knack for this stuff.

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashmore

    Hmmm. Great Poem sweetheart. Keep on writing. Thank you for the comment.

  • 18 years ago

    by SuicidePrincess

    Mint 10/10 and YOUR bett then ME ok...

  • 18 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Very good, every now and then i like a good sappy love poem. it makes me in the mood of writing my war poems.

  • 18 years ago

    by PJ

    Hey I agree with that last part. I fell in love with someone and I had to hide it from him. I get this poem a lot, great wording. Keep It Up!!!