Just What It Is

by X2892   Jan 20, 2007

Why Love?
Why Now?
If I never asked for it ;
it just happen.

I never chose to love you,
only if I knew!
Was such a coward ;
the fear of love overpowered
I wanted to tell you a million
times that "I LOVE YOU" but a billion
times I coudn't even say it.

I've waited for you
to say "I love you" first so I have a clue
that you truly have feelings for me
so I wouldn't let you see
me make a fool of myself
while telling you my feelings.

But why again do I
tell myself this?

Why Love?
Why Now?
If I never asked for it ;
it just happen. (x2)

Telling myself it is a lie
but if it was, why do I want to die
just because your not mine.
Im tangled in the vine ;
the vines of love are unbreakable.

Break, dam it!
These vines of love must break.
I just can't take
the emotions no more;
it's like a war
is going inside me!

Why did you have to be
the one I love?
No matter how many
girls I go with;
you are always
the one I will truly love!
To bad I have lost
you, wish you were still
with me!

Why Love?
Why Now?
If I never asked for it ;
it just happen.............

MADE FOR u PinKY u know who u r


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    So i guess these are lyrics? it's amazing! it would defiantly make a great song! excellent job on writing them! 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by HuggyQueenofCookies

    Oh my god, great poem, so much feeling in this..hows it goin huney?

  • 18 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    I liked how u described the feeling!! great poem!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    I really like this poem,x

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Good job on your poem. Isn't it funny what love does. Take Care Cindy