A powerful word

by Breanna Schara   Jan 20, 2007

Love is such a powerful word,
many meanings it contains.
love carries so much,
power, wisdom, and pain.
you cant just call it love,
then let it go.
it's so much more that that,
a mystery, a journey, a foe.
it absorbs so many things,
heartache, compassion, and time.
it can never be bought,
not by any penny, nor any dime.
love will come,
when you'r least expecting it.
but true love will never go.
sometimes you think it's love,
but really, you will never know.
until, the right one comes along.
then, it wont be just a feeling,
you will apsolutely know.
but even then love is not easy,
it is a mystery, a journey, a foe.
and when it's the right one,
never let it go.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Breanna Schara

    For everyone that reads my poems, I would just like to take the time and thank you all. Also, thanks for all the coments.

  • 17 years ago

    by pozinthenoise

    Hmmmm...... I felt love here. This is an advising poem, and you showed what love is. Very well portrayed! 5/5