The love story

by Kaila   Jan 20, 2007

Her eyes are starring into his soul
He promises he'll never let go
She grips his waist with her nails
He moves closer when all else fails
Her body is up against him
He feels the warmth in her eyes
She hopes that he will never say goodbye
He promises to never leave her
She hopes it's not a lie
And then the clouds start coming
And the rain drip drops on there heads
He looks up
She looks down
They meet in the middle
And there frowns turn upside down
They kiss with a passion
There hearts seem to race
He reaches for her hands
Her hands feel like lace
He cups them ever so lightly around his waist
She opens her eyes and backs away
For the rain has stopped
what a great day


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  • 17 years ago

    by David

    The love in this poem. well done. i admire the way you show so much emotion and feeling in this poem, in all your poems.

    5/5 David

  • 18 years ago

    by whatsername

    Hey, I really liked this poem:) your a really good writer, nothing compared to me, hehe, oh wow that rhymed...and that was random..okay dont mine me im random sometimes but yeah anyways i liked your poem:)

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    A kiss in the rain... so so sweet.
    Once again, great flow to this poem.
    It had a lot of emotion which is always needed for a love poem