A Fighting Hell

by TearsInTheRain   Jan 20, 2007

The shouts have returned
Where can I hide?
I wanna get away from it all
Deep down inside.

The din of the screams
The smash of the glass
The cries and the whimpers
For it to end, we cannot ask!

We wish for the day
Our savior will come
To end all the hardship
To call this place home.

We can cry all we like
Screach all we can
Go to the extremes
Cut holes in our palms.

But nothing will happen
This hell is here to stay
No matter how much we want it to,
It will not go away!!?


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Tricky Daze

    Good point and interesting especially those

    We wish for the day
    Our savior will come
    To end all the hardship
    To call this place home.

    Keep on writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Solus

    Madness is only understood by those who felt its touch.....and even then it is diffrent for everybody....

  • 18 years ago

    by Laybelled with a name

    Ummmmm.............. vegan chocolate..........um...................
    wouldnt it b cool if we cud all fly..?
    ummmmmmm........vegan chocolate..