Comments : Fading soul

  • 18 years ago

    by elmozbabiigurl7

    I like it sounds like a murder but then like a suicide luv it

  • 18 years ago

    by Liz

    You started off okay...but the first stanza doesn't really fit with the rest...since you have 4 lines each. But I don't think that's too important. Anyways...I liked this poem. The last stanza especially...the way you changed it from the 1st. Creative. And don't say it sucks...cos this was pretty good. 5/5 Keep writing.

    -` Liz

  • Jason
    I love it u are so good at expressing yourself and wether it is a sad poem or a dark poem i think u are great at expressing what u feel and what many other ppl may feel at one time or another. Keep up the good work u are doing great talk to you soon!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Alesia

    It's amazing Jason!!!! I really felt emotion and it moved me. great work!

  • Great poem. Alot of emotion.
    Good job, keep it up 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Tiff

    WOAH! Jason... Thats like so good. XD ur so talented. None of my poems ryme. Lol. Urs are awesome. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ShadowSlayer

    Aww i like it but its sad your a really writer

  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    Nice Jason I liked it its awesome.... it does have a lot of emotion


  • 18 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    I like it well done 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Wow deep, excellent style...nice authenticity keep it up cant wait to read more, pls comment sum of my stuff thnxs ttyl


  • Good poem
    lots of emtions

  • 18 years ago

    by Simply Complex

    ''a tear falls from the face in pain
    all attempts to move were done in vain
    all sanity has gone away
    a body left alone in this small place'' that is a really strong stanza along with ''body laid heavily on the ground
    slips away without a sound
    as a tear falls down the face
    darkness takes the place '' lol again and again WOW keep it up babe.

  • 17 years ago


    I love this poem, i like your rhymeing alot. 5/5 good job. you feeling know how to express you feeling down on paper.