My Girl

by CoLliN   Jan 21, 2007

So frustrated and irritated
waiting for you to come get me
help me
here alone i stand waiting for you
wanting to drown myself in your arms
awaiting you arrival to my life

i thought it was you
she was never you
I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of protecting
I'm so tired of the tears
the constant burning in my throat
the coldness that surrounds my heart in a glacier atmosphere
why cant i get it right?
what am i saying wrong?
who do i have to be?
to endure these pains
i dint think my heart is strong

come out of it
then right back in again
the memories
haunting of past pains
dear girl I'm trying to hold on for you
but everyday it gets colder and colder
every day its harder to find you
the words of never letting go floods my head
but my heart is in the same condition since that day she made me cry
I'm tired of it all
but i want you


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Aure

    Very good contence, you sure had better ones on flow but your words are very good chosen

  • 17 years ago

    by Sunshine 8D

    Thats a really good one hun...keep writing you're amazing at it...

    <333 *~*amanda*~*

  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    I love hte intensity, this is a great piece, excellent flow keep up the great work.


  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Very touching, been a while since you postedf..great stuff, pls comment on sum of my stuff, lotz new happening thnxs bro.


  • 18 years ago

    by Spoken Silence

    "wanting to drown myself in your arms" that line just took my breath away.... great job... you have a way with words