
by xPerfect Chaosx   Jan 22, 2007

The water is cool at my feet
Surging and pulling back.
Emotions with the tide.
I'm ankle deep and drowning

The sea is calling
It's lonely embrace
Tender and loving
I'm knee deep and drowning

The cold touch upon my skin
Warms my heart
It's caressing touch
I'm waist deep and drowning

The moon watches quietly
High in the sky
It's unheard song
Melds with the sea
I'm chest deep and drowning

I can't take this world
The sea calls to me
It's sweet harmony
I'm neck deep and drowning

Emotions overwhelming
Dragging me under
Can't swim
I'm in over my head and drowning


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Fear2love

    I like

  • 17 years ago

    by Armada the Gestalt

    Ah. This is, if you ask me, your best. Simple, oddly soothing in it's execution. I enjoy the 'I'm - deep and I'm drowning' it's lovely, a beautiful write.

    Thankyou, this was a contest entry. ^^ And yes, alot of people say it's Pinnochio-esque.

    Yes we shall. o3o

    *Puts them away*


  • 17 years ago

    by Someones Sanity

    Wow that just makes you kind of depressed even though you arn't that kind of person. I need to watch some butt kicking movie now or something xDD

  • 18 years ago

    by Coeur Cassa Sage

    Wow, very...i dunno how to describe it!!! thats good!

  • 18 years ago

    by ♥LoveMe4ever

    I really liked it, it made me think of my friend that had drown 2 years ago.
    great job