The Rose Bush

by Jessica   Jan 22, 2007

Every day I visit a rose bush
Not far from home
Every day I visit a rose bush
Not far from were I used to roam

I come to this rose bush
Because It was set here for me
I come to this rose bush
Right by this red oak tree

I cant go far from the rose bush
Because its bound to me so
I cant go far from the rose bush
Or else it wont grow

The rose bush was put here
In a reminder of me
The rose bush was put here
Right by my favorite tree

The rose bush is red
And so is my tree
The rose bush is red
Because my sole ran free

I was murdered here
That is why my tree is red
I was murdered here
That is why I m dead


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  • 16 years ago

    by The Shadowlust Inside Me

    Hmmmmm.... I liked it and yes the repatition was a great idea although it was kinda sad and yet it was easy to read

    Great work


  • 16 years ago

    by im not the cause

    God that is sad but awsome

    will you read mine?

  • 18 years ago

    by x.Athame.x

    I like this piece a lot as well. Form really makes a poem, in my opinion. And I love the form in this piece, especially the repetition that occurs through each stanza. One suggestion that I do have, is about the last stanza.

    I was murdered here
    That's why my tree is red
    I was murdered here
    That's why I m dead

    I would suggest, using 'that is' instead of 'that's', because it would help the flow by changing the sylables. Just a suggestion, take it if you like, or not if you like. My humble opinion. :) Best wishes and blessed be. *Athame


  • 18 years ago

    by I Hope You Choke

    This poem is amazing. While I was reading it, it was like I was feeling fear mixed with regret....And yet I still felt calm. This is a great poem. Keep up the good work!


  • 18 years ago

    by Cooper

    This poem is spectacular. The repetition was a perfect idea, and the concept....well, it (almost) made me cry.
    Good job.