Comments : The Rose Bush

  • 18 years ago

    by Cooper

    This poem is spectacular. The repetition was a perfect idea, and the concept....well, it (almost) made me cry.
    Good job.

  • 18 years ago

    by I Hope You Choke

    This poem is amazing. While I was reading it, it was like I was feeling fear mixed with regret....And yet I still felt calm. This is a great poem. Keep up the good work!


  • 18 years ago

    by x.Athame.x

    I like this piece a lot as well. Form really makes a poem, in my opinion. And I love the form in this piece, especially the repetition that occurs through each stanza. One suggestion that I do have, is about the last stanza.

    I was murdered here
    That's why my tree is red
    I was murdered here
    That's why I m dead

    I would suggest, using 'that is' instead of 'that's', because it would help the flow by changing the sylables. Just a suggestion, take it if you like, or not if you like. My humble opinion. :) Best wishes and blessed be. *Athame


  • 16 years ago

    by im not the cause

    God that is sad but awsome

    will you read mine?

  • 16 years ago

    by The Shadowlust Inside Me

    Hmmmmm.... I liked it and yes the repatition was a great idea although it was kinda sad and yet it was easy to read

    Great work
