Because I know.

by Isabelle   Jan 22, 2007

You drive me crazy,
drive me out of control.

When I see you I want to run up and hug you...
but I can't.

I feel great,
absolutely amazing...
when I'm with you.

You like somebody else though.
She's my best friend.

The bad thing is...
she likes you too.

Together you both make me feel so small.
I wanna cry because I really like you.

I know she saw you first,
she liked you for three years total,
she thinks the world of you.

Well, I do too.

She told me that you'd never come between us.
Thank god, you say you don't want to date yet.

Because I know,
that you like her,
you love her.
You love the way looks,
the way she acts when she's around you.
You'll never take one look at me.

Because I know.

I know that you think I'm just another girl.
No different from the next.

The bad thing is,
you know how I feel,
you just don't care.

Because I know you'll never see me for who I am.
I'm lost and don't know how to feel.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Remmi


    How do you write all of that? That would make me cry just writing it. I know that must've come from the bottom of your heart and that's good because its not good to keep that bottled up. I learned that the hard way when I did that and it all came out at one time on my best friend ever.

  • Great write, loved the flow of the poem,it really was very heartfelt. I'm sorry for the pain you have to bear cus i know how it feels. Quite the accomplished writer for your age, keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by ephemera

    You are such a good writer! You write with such honesty and I really admire that. And I remember feeling almost every emotion that was in this poem. This was really well written

    :) Astryd

  • 18 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    Very honest and true, I like the way you write. Keep up the good work!


  • 18 years ago

    by geeeeee

    This poem had great meaning and emotion. It was also quite sad. Sometimes when you know someone cannot return the feelings you have for them, we must accept, grit our teeth, bare the hurt and move on. You deserve to find someone who will love you back. Take Care and be strong.
